Jak widzicie rozdział nie jest przetłumaczony, Julita odeszła, a my z Weronikom same nie dajemy rady. Mamy za mało czasu, więc robimy konkurs. Każdy kto przetłumaczy ten kawałek, zostanie przez nas oceniony i może akurat to TY zostaniesz naszą tłumaczką. Zapraszamy do przetłumaczenia, rozdział wysyłacie na czekoladzia20@gmail.com lub werciakot@gmail.com
W razie jakich kolwiek pytań możecie pisać na maila lub twittera @dev4tion @Solo_anima
Na rozdziały czekamy do 20.04.2014
It's been 7days since I've gone to school. 168 hours since I've gotten out of bed, and 10080minutes since I've talked to or seen Jason.
I haven't been picking up his calls. Deena started yelling about that yesterday, but I just wanted to completely disappear.
It's been two days since I've eaten anything. 48 hours since I've seen Nicky and 2880 minutes since Rue gave up on talking to me.
At this moment I could care about food. Everything tasted horrible, but Nicky I felt bad for not talking to him. He needs me but like I've said before I cant do this. Rue had been trying to gave up on me but two days ago she told me she gave up I can figure out my own shit. If that's the way it's gonna be Ill just die here.
I heard a soft knock on my door. I didn't answer but who ever it was entered.
I felt someone sit down on the bed. I could tell by the way she was sitting that its Jane.
"Mckayla keeps calling. We were going to bother you with it right now but lily hasn't been sleeping and now she won't eat." Jane whispered.
"Just tell her I'm sorry." I mumbled into my pillow.
"For what?" Jane asked.
"For being such a horrible sister." I felt tears spring at the edge of my eyes.
"Don't apologize to me about that."
"So your saying I'm a bad sister?"
"No I was just saying that I your gonna be apologizing for that apologize to the people that it affects."
I sighed and pulled myself back under the covers.
"You NEED to get out of this funk, or whatever the fuck you wanna call it!" Jane practically yelled at me.
"No." I mumbled from underneath the covers.
"Do you want to talk about what happened?"
"What do you want."
"No," I said starting for the door "I'm leaving."
I had my back turned to him, bad idea. I heard a small click. Id know that sound anywhere.
"Are you holding a gun to the back of my head?" I asked slowly.
"If you don't then around ill fire it." Anthony growled.
I swallowed and slowly turned back around to face him.
*end flashback*
"At least call Jason back Sophie."
"Because I don't want to. I just wanna be alone." I grumbled.
I heard my bedroom door shut and I slowly let myself fall back asleep.